Argo - Game Jam is over, what now? (Spoiler: Development will continue)

As you might know, this game was made for the German game jam gppcc17, which usually only lasts a week. This time, though, it was decided that it would be a game jam tournament. 5 months of work and five updates later it is now over and we have secured us the second place! We're really happy about the acknowledgment that our game has received and are now even more sure than before that we want to continue working on it.

Actually, even since before the second update we were planning to take this further than just the game jam. We've been thinking about possible art directions, publishing options, fundraisers and release platforms. We haven't decided on a full marketing plan yet, but we're on it and will share details with you as soon as we're ready!

The version of the game that is currently uploaded to itch is the more or less finished game jam version. There are still a few bugs left and it's not fully translated (it was made for a German game jam after all) but we'll probably not be updating this version until the full release. This version can be pretty much seen as an Alpha/pre-Beta/Demo release that shows the direction that our game is taking.

So, for now we'll take a break. Our programmer especially has been working day and night to complete the game jam release and deserves some slack. Afterwards we'll be back with a development road map and maybe even some new screenshots to show you!

If you want to be up to date on what we're currently working on or want to see the weird bugs and general dev-experiments that we perform then make sure to follow us on Twitter!

Since this is the audio guy writing this dev-log I have to take my chance and plug the soundtrack on Bandcamp >.>
You can download everything for free for now, but I'll probably change that as soon as the full soundtrack releases. So take this chance to get some nice tunes for free!

And that's that. Let us know if you have any questions, concerns or feedback, we'd love to hear from you!

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